Felony Friday 037 - How the Drug Trade Landed a Successful Entrepreneur in Prison - Part 2



Today's episode of Felony Friday is the second installment of an interview I did with an entrepreneur who has landed in some serious legal trouble after getting involved in the illicit drug trade.  This episode is a little different than others due to the fact that my guest is awaiting sentencing for a drug conviction. His lawyer has advised that he does not disclose his full name on the show. For this reason, throughout the show I will refer to my guest by his first name only, Anwar.

Anwar's Story:

If you missed last week's show, please listen to part one of Anwar's story before proceeding to part 2. In part 1 Anwar shared the path he blazed as an entrepreneur in a diverse Chicago neighborhood. He talked about what fueled his desire and how he discovered the tool to create a successful business.In part 2 Anwar shares the circumstances led him to turn to selling drugs to keep his business afloat. Anwar revisits an ill advised loan that he received from Lehman Brothers. He explains how his own inexperience and an aggressive agent from Lehman Brothers' created a perfect storm that led him to take on more debt than he could handle and essentially bankrupted his business. Anwar turned to the drug trade to get out from under the debt load he had accumulated, which ultimately resulted in the FBI knocking on his door.However, Anwar still has a positive attitude today as he awaits sentencing. He's worked on several charities and has channeled his entrepreneurial spirit into creating programs that teach kids how to become legal entrepreneurs.

Listen to Episode 37 here!

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